Monday, July 2, 2012

Blog A Quote [1]

Blog A Quote is hosted by Michelle Chew Writes.
Each week, a quote from one of my favorite books will be blogged.
Usually, this is done on Monday, the start of a new week,
but it can be done any day of the week =)

Quote of the Week:

Picture from Goodreads

"Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge. That's what it is: an edge; a razor. It draws up through the center of your life, cutting everything in two. Before and after. The rest of the world falls away on either side." 

I love Delirium! Honestly, a must read!

Get a copy: Chapters | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Author Interview: Larissa Hinton, Author of Everblossom

Hi everyone! Today I have Larissa Hinton, author of Everblossom: A Short Story and Poetry Anthology for an interview. Everblossom was released last year in November 23rd, 2011 and it is available in both Kindle formal and Paperback. You can find out more here

1. When did you first start writing?

I started writing at the ripe age of 12. At first, I wrote poems because of my lovely English teacher decided that we should write poems and from then on, I fell in love with poetry. The writing bug really bit me a year later when the movie of Nickelodeon movie, Clock Stoppers came out. I thought the movie was going to be horrible, so I decided that I would write a novel that would be better than the movie. Needless to say, my book wasn't as good as the move but I didn't care. I love writing and nothing else mattered. Thus my obsession with writing begun.

2. What music do you listen to when you write?

Actually, I don't listen to music when I write. The reason I don't listen to music is because it distracts me from writing. My favorite genre is electronic dance. So every time I listen to it (especially Cascada or Rhianna's Please Don't Stop the Music) I want to dance instead of write. So it's more of a hindrance instead of a help.  

3. Tell us about Everblossom

Everblossom: A Short Sort and Poetry Anthology is a collection of short stories and poems that explore the three stages of a flower that correlates to the human different stages of life but with a paranormal and fantasy twist. Here's more information about it in the blurb:

An anthology that will quench your thirst for more than the ordinary.

Everblossom is a journey through poems and short stories that may seem ordinary on the surface but dig a little deeper and the world not only shifts . . . It changes.

The author who brought you Iwishacana/Acanawishi, now brings you a dash of everything from dark fantasy to the paranormal to romance. So prepare yourself to delve into the three stages of the flower from bud to blossom then back to seed; you'll go through them all with a whole new perspective on what it all truly means.

Oh, and one of the poems, In Death You Speak, it was inspired by boredom in class. I was sitting in one of the English Literature classes listening to them drone on and on about something, so I wrote a poem instead of listening. J I know. I'm horrible. A-soon-to-be English teacher not paying attention in an English classroom? Shocker.

4.  Are you currently working on a project? 

Yes! It's called Angel Diaries which is a YA paranormal romance novel. Here's a sneak peek of the rough blurb:

Lindsey's life couldn't have been any more ordinary. So, she had two guys fighting over her, a psychic friend and a school dominated by Goths  but, other than that, life was good. That is until horrible nightmares start about her mother being ripped apart by a monster changed her life from the inside out. Literally. Her whole world was full of lies. She's not even human. She's an Angel.

5. What do you feel as your greatest accomplishment as a writer?

Saying goodbye to traditional publishing limitations and inquiries. Releasing myself from their validation. It's absolute freedom to say goodbye to traditional publishing. Not for good, but not using someone else's measurements of success or great writing to say that I'm a great writer and I don't need your validation. All I need is to write and find my own audience my own way through self-publishing. That's my greatest accomplishment and one of the best damn decisions I've ever made. 

6. What is the most difficult thing about being a writer? What is the easiest thing?

The easiest thing about writing is coming up with the ideas. I come up with new ideas practically every day I take a step outside. Now the hardest part about writing is putting your idea on paper and making it come across right. Especially for a novel. It's a long journey from the first page until the last and to make sure it's projecting the idea from cover to cover from word to word is the most difficult part. As a writer, you have to be consistent, persistent, and have excellent time management to be able to complete a novel with style, grace and be sane. Seriously. Ask some writers if they haven't pulled their hair out over a story that just wouldn't translate from their brain onto the paper right. Ah, the makings of a novel. 

7. Any advice for writers?

The first piece of advice I would give to an newbie writer is to never give up. I really cannot stress this enough to writers. It seems like defeat is fate for writers. Traditional publishers and agents are dishing out rejection slips as if it's the new hottest trends. Self-publishing seems like giving up on your dreams altogether. But reconsidering your options, doing research on your plans in publishing and joining a support writing group makes all the difference. Throughout your writing career, just remember to never give up. Never give up and believe in your talent, and from there you'll know where to go.

8. Anything you want to say to your readers?

To my readers, I have to say you are the driving force behind my writing. You are the people I am so grateful for and I hope that you will find time to read my books and love them just as much as I do. And if you do love them to pieces, then please express and share your love in reviewing my books online! That is all the thanks I need at the end of the day. 

Thank You for stopping by, Larissa =)

More info about Larissa Hinton, please click on the links below